Asphalt Mix Testing Fundamentals

This composition will explore the abecedarian aspects of performance asphalt blend testing. We’ll explain why asphalt blend testing is necessary, how it came about, and what options are available for different testing requirements.

Asphalt Mix Testing Fundamentals

Why do we test asphalt?

Asphalt blend testing is critical for adding the continuance of a pavement. Weak asphalt fusions can beget rutting and cracking, so to avoid unseasonable pavement failure causing precious damage and business safety issues, we must be suitable to adequately measure all the parcels of the accouterments. This means that the asphalt blend testing outfit must be suitable to perform quality control and quality assurance tests to determine which fusions will succeed and which bones
will fail. To determine which fusions will perform well, test conditions must directly represent and pretend real road conditions – this is where performance testing comes into play.

                  Example of rutting (left side) and cracking (right side) distresses.

The rules of the game have changed

In the last 50 times, a lot has changed. Business volume has increased and so has the volume of ultramodern buses. As similar, asphalt fusions need to be acclimated consequently. To further complicate effects, not only have business conditions changed, but so have the accouterments being used. oil painting economics and other global factors have affected the thickness of asphalt binders, and currently, there are new construction accouterments available.

In history, fusions were more introductory – summations, binders, and paddings were the only players of the game. moment, we use other accouterments like polymers and complements; not to mention we also have reclaimed asphalt blend, borderline accouterments, and recycled tire rubber. Think of it like incinerating a cutlet – the further constituents there are, the more complicated the form. thus, the need for performance testing is simple tests need to represent real business loads and be suitable to measure abecedarian material parcels.

Performance testing VS traditional testing

The difference between performance testing and traditional testing lies in their ability to accurately predict field performance. In traditional testing, test conditions such as load, speed, and temperature are not necessarily an accurate depiction of real road conditions. This significantly reduces the reliability of the test, meaning that the pavement is more susceptible to failure.

In performance testing, we can change the test conditions to mimic real conditions. At CONTROLS, our products are designed to give you maximum control over specific test conditions. For example, our dynamic asphalt mix testing machines have cabinets that can change the temperature from -50 °C to +80 °C, because each property needs a specific temperature.

What are the main parameters we want to measure in performance testing?

Many parameters must be taken into consideration, but there are three significant parameters that we believe are critical to measure:

  • Stiffness
  • Resistance to fatigue
  • Rutting/permanent deformation

Parameter 1: Stiffness / Modulus of Elasticity (MoE)

The first and arguably most pivotal parameter is stiffness, also known as the dynamic modulus. Dynamic modulus refers to the pliantness of the accouterments; it’s the rate between the cargo applied and the flexible distortion of the material. Asphalt blend is a visco-elastoplastic material. This means that stiffness is dependent on two factors temperature and frequency of operation. Temperature dramatically changes the material’s mechanical geste.

Mechanical geste can also be affected by the frequency of application. However, the material becomes stiffer, If the cargo is applied fast. However, the material becomes softer and weaker, If it’s applied sluggishly. A full elaboration of the relationship between stiffness, temperature, and frequency is demonstrated in the Mastercurve

Graphical elaboration of a Mastercurve to describe dynamic modulus with different temperatures and loading frequencies.

Parameter 2: Resistance to Fatigue

The alternate important parameter is cracking i.e., fatigue resistance. Fatigue is the fact that paraphernalia weakens when exposed to repeated wheel loads( business). The result of fatigue failure is fatigue cracking – you might have heard the term “ alligator cracking ”. This type of cracking occurs when the pavement has been stressed to its life limits due to repeated weight operations.

   Example of alligator cracking.

So, to understand a material’s resistance to fatigue, we must measure its elasticity over time. The typical behavior of a fatigue test is illustrated in the graph below:

Fatigue testing behaviour

The more horizontal the curve, the more resistant to fatigue the material is and the better that material is.

Parameter 3: Rutting / permanent deformation

The last pivotal parameter to test is rutting. Rutting faces the same dilemma as fatigue after repeated business loads, the material parcels change and weaken. still, in this case, rather than the pavement cracking, it loses its shape and smoothness. An unstable pavement develops routines, ripples, and other signs of endless distortion.

Performance testing is designed to help these damages from occurring. Dynamic testing machines Now that the fundamentals of performance testing have been covered, what choices do we’ve for actually performing these tests? UTMs First, we’ve Universal Testing Machines( UTM). This type of machine is a single-unit machine that can perform multiple tests. This first-generation machine is our dynamic testing option, and its frame size is compatible with a wide range of accessories.

IPC Global UTM 130

IPC Global – UTM 130

Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT Pro)

Next up we have the Asphalt Mixture Performance Testers (AMPT). This second-generation dynamic testing machine is more suited to quality control and is more user-friendly than the UTM.

AMPT PRO image

Compact and modular IPC Global unique Qubes series

Eventually, we’ve the Compact Modular Asphalt Mix Testers, similar as the AMPTQube, the AsphaltQube and AsphaltQube Pro. This machine merges the capabilities of the UTM with the AMPT. This product can perform multiple tests like the UTM but with the compact, stoner-friendly approach of the AMPT.

Something that these dynamic asphalt testing machines have in common is that they share the same controller and software. Let’s explore these features in more detail.

IMACS2 Controller

Following IPC Global’s invention of the IMACS2 Controller in the early 2000s, we have since developed the IMACS2 – the most advanced controller and data acquisition system in our industry.

The first, and most noticeable difference between these two controllers is that the IMACS2 now has a touchscreen display, making it much more user-friendly. Maintenance and basic control operations can be done via the touch screen.

The second important feature of the IMACS2 is its smart “plug and play” transducer. One of the downfalls of the original IMACS is that its configuration was fully manual. This meant that if the test configuration was wrong, so was the test performance. With the smart ‘plug-and-play transducer, the controller (i.e., the software) automatically recognizes the channel when you connect the channel to each plug. This in turn makes it a smart channel, resulting in less room for error.

If you’re wondering whether these new technologies are compatible with older models, the answer is yes. One of the great advantages of these products is their cross-compatibility with IMACS and all UTS software. It is entirely possible to make a smooth transition between old controllers and new controllers, and old software and new software.

IMACS2, Third Generation Integrated Multi-Axis Control System (IMACS)

UTS Neutron Software

Following the improvement of our controllers, we also developed new software. The UTS Neutron is more powerful than ever and overcomes the limitations of the current UTS software. Perhaps its biggest advantage is its customizable interface for all testing needs. While the old software was only available in English, the UTS Neutron is set up in multiple languages – including custom language configuration.

The new UTS Neutron software also has three license levels to meet all user types:

  • Standards testing
  • Test editor
  • Test programmer

By having the option to buy different licenses, you can fully customize the software to suit your testing requirements. Whether your focus is research-based or in quality control, the UTS Neutron software can be tailored to your needs. The software also has configurable access rights for any user type, for example, quality control operator, lab manager, and senior engineer to name a few.

UTS Neutron product features:

  • Familiar UTS layout but enhanced and more intuitive
  • Library of pre-programmed test modules complying with the main international standards eg. EN/ASTM/AASHTO
  • The basic suite includes all IMACS2-based IPC Global dynamic testing machines
  • Simple interface for routine quality control users who want to run a test with minimal mouse clicks
  • Multiple languages – supplied with English, Chinese, Polish, and Spanish languages plus customized language configurator tool
  • Painless migration from IMACS to IMACS2. Users can import existing UTS data to generate new reports
  • Robust reporting and easy custom test creation
  • Graphic step-by-step test editor
  • Possibility to edit and save user-defined test sequences and procedures
  • Comprehensive graphic programming functions with in-built easy to use drag and drop icons

It’s clear that in many cases Asphalt Mix Testing is a complex process, that requires expertise and reliable machines.


It’s critical to invest in proper asphalt mix specimen preparation and testing machines, to avoid the unnecessary costs and risks associated with these assets.
For this reason, at IPC Global, we are continuously working to improve our asphalt mix testing machines, keeping our firmware and software updated to the latest specifications, and providing the most advanced consultancy services to help you choose the best testing solution.

If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact us.

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